Thursday, September 25, 2014

Well Hello There

When it comes to writing scripts it seems as though everyone wants a piece of the action. And I mean really who wouldn't want to live the glamorous life of a screenwriter:
  • Remaining perpetually unrecognized
  • Doing more work than one human being is possibly capable of
  • Battling the ever evil writer's block (I don't care what other writers say, it does exist!)
  • Having your vision stolen, changed, obliterated etc. by narcissistic directors 
  • And even being faced with the unfortunate reality that crappy writers are a dime a dozen and it's pretty much impossible to show any producer that you're worth the time of day. 
If only you could see me rolling my eyes.Oh wait, I mean, you should see me jumping for joy! I picked a great career...

I know, a lot of that seems pessimistic and overly cynical. The truth is I don't really believe all of those things about screenwriting. Those are just the funny stereotypes, that sometimes come up, but they are manageable. There really are a bunch of amazing things about it too:
  • The people you meet are wonderful
  • Seeing your words come to life is surreal
  • Life on set is never dull
  • Travel is practically a job requirement
  • Seeing your name on the big screen is really a plus 
  • And you get to create a meaningful message for your audience to understand more about you
That's what makes it all worth it.

Ultimately I dream of becoming a more successful screenwriter. The reality however is that the film industry is immensely collaborative. Remember all of those horrendous group project from school? Well, they come back to haunt you with a vengeance in the film world. Maybe I could bounce my ideas off of you? 

Even though it has its moments that make me want to quit, it's a rewarding career that I wouldn't leave for anything. I want you to see that too. I will prove you that screenwriting isn't all that bad. It really still is an art, and there are so many things you can do with it. I hope to show you a few things I've learned, to share some funny stories, to review some scripts and even to show you some of the material that I am currently shopping around.

I hope you enjoy, and I can't wait until you catch the film bug too!

Emily Johnson