Friday, October 10, 2014

Find What Works Best For You

 Now that you have a general understanding about the key structure of a screenplay its time to find your own unique writing process. This is your own process. It is different for everyone, including award-winning screenwriter Dustin Lance Black. Check out Black explain exactly what he does, and the ways he creates his final product.

Now just because that works for him, that doesn't mean it has to work for you. Its important to find your own process, one that makes you feel completely comfortable. I have a process similar to his. I always try to "watch my movie in my head" before I write it. But I also have a friend who can't do that. She writes as she goes. She says she likes going on the adventure with her characters, and that works for her. No process is better than the other.

Sometimes its helpful to hear about other writers' strategies as a source of inspiration, or even trading thoughts about what works and what doesn't.

Once you have your own specific process, your scripts will start to become your own, and your style will shine through.

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