Friday, October 17, 2014

Listen to the Experts

Sure I have experience in screenwriting. But not nearly as much as other working professionals. I am most definitely still learning, but the professionals who have "been around the block" know what is going on in the industry, and they can tell you what to expect.

It is also incredibly interesting to listen to a professional talk about their craft because they have internalized it. They can think about it conceptually, and they start to gain insight from the craft of screenwriting from a metaphysical standpoint.

Hearing writers talk about their writing this way is fascinating because it puts my own writing in perspective for me. It is not just about getting technical advice from these professionals, it is more about learning from them, who they are, and what they think about writing as a craft.

Check out legendary screenwriter William Goldman talk about the craft of screenwriting, and all of the joys that it has brought him. There is so much to learn from him.

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