Saturday, October 25, 2014

Getting an Agent

In order to get the big companies to notice your script, you need an agent. An agent will use their connections to shop your script around to get a production company to pick it up.

I know it is really scary to think about, but an agent is a great way to not only get your screenplays out there, but to get your name or style out there too. After a while, your agent is not just helping you sell your scripts, he or she is helping you make connections of your own.

There are also some realistic benefits to having an agent. First off, there is someone who can deal with all of the legal stuff. Also, an agent gives you deadlines. He or she will need you to get certain work done by a certain time. Honestly, sometimes writing with deadlines is the best because it forces you to get stuff done. Projects can't go on forever, there is more on the line. It is the agent who reminds you of these deadlines and forces you to get things done.

An agent not only helps you sell your screenplay, but they also help you find your place in the never ending entertainment world.

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