Friday, October 24, 2014

Top Ten Screenwriting Contests

As a screenwriter, it is important to get your work seen. For a screenwriter this can be challenging because you can't make a movie every time you write something. Contests are the perfect ways to get your work seen, AND make new connections or friends. Here is a list of my top ten screenwriting competitions.

1.)Academy Nicholl Fellowship

2.)  The New York Screenplay Contest

3.)  Sundance Screenwriters' Lab

4.) Tracking B

5.) Scriptapalooza Screenplay Competition

6.) Script Pipeline

7.) Hollywood Screenplay Contest

8.) BlueCat Screenplay Competition

9.) Big Break Contest 

10.) The Write Start Contest

Honestly, you can't go wrong entering any of these awesome competitions. At least your work is getting out there.

Show 'em what you got!

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