Wednesday, October 8, 2014

So You Wanna Write a Screenplay

Now that you remember a little bit of your own history, or at least respect that the art/craft of writing has been around for millennia. And you've seen and thought about who your favorite screenwriters are

Now go write!


If only it were that easy. I think that the first important thing to understand is the basic structure of a screenplay. In each feature film there are three identifiable acts that the film is broken up into. From there the action is divided into smaller, more manageable pieces.

I. ACT ONE (25 - 30 pages)

1. Opening Image/Scene
2. Set-up
3. Inciting Incident/Catalyst
4. Protagonist’s Debate/Reluctancy - The protagonist does not want to answer this call to arms. The protagonist has his or her reservations.
5. First Turning Point - The protagonist decides to answer the call to action

II.ACT TWO (60 pages)

1. Promise of the premise - This is what the movie is going to be about.
2. B-story/Sub-plot(s)


1. Antagonist Rallies - The bad guy is starting to win.
2. All is Lost
3. Protagonist Laments (whiff of death) - Something dramatic happens to the protagonist that makes him questions his choice to answer the call to action.
4. Second Turning point

III.ACT THREE (25 - 30 pages)

1. Protagonist Rallies
2. Climax
3. Closing Image

This simple outline fits almost any modern movie. The parts are clearly identifiable. Once you start to see this structure in the movies that you watch for fun, you will never be able to see movies the same way again. Sorry!

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